Connect flights on different airlines to get prices single airlines don't offer. Fly a low-cost domestic carrier to a major international hub, for example, to take advantage of a special fare a foreign carrier that flies into the hub offers passengers who originate there. Leave enough room between flights on different carriers to ensure you make your connecting flight, even if you experience a minor delay.

Price sample itineraries for flights on both airlines. If, for instance, you want to take advantage of Thai's special fares on its Los Angeles-to-Bangkok route, determine what time the flights depart, and then research airlines that fly from your city to Los Angeles and determine which ones offer flights that get you into Los Angeles with plenty of time to make the Bangkok flight.

Research multiple options before you begin the booking process if you can't purchase both tickets at once. For example, if you purchase a ticket from Los Angeles to Bangkok, and after a week find the domestic itinerary you were hoping to purchase has sold out, having another possible option makes sure you don't get stranded.

Exit security once you arrival at the connecting airport and reclaim any bags you've checked. Airlines generally don't check bags to connect on flights booked as separate itineraries, even if they are partners. If you have a short connecting time between flights, take only a carry-on and personal items with you.


Book flights on different airlines that are part of the same airline group or alliance to make sure you earn frequent flier miles for your entire trip. If you fly Los Angeles-Bangkok on Thai, for example, take United, Continental or US Airways from your home city to Los Angeles. All four airlines are part of the Star Alliance, and you earn miles on your Star Alliance airline of choice when traveling on any Star Alliance carrier.