Traveling abroad is an exciting adventure, but having all your documents in place prior to your trip is an absolute must. International travel procedures can be strict and unforgiving at times, especially if you don’t have all the required documents in advance. Be prepared so you can enjoy your overseas trip to the fullest.


A passport is required for all air travel overseas, both for entry into the foreign country and for re-entry into the U.S. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after the date you plan to enter a foreign country. If you need to apply for a passport for the first time or yours is about to expire, visit the U.S. Department of State website for instructions. Make a copy of your passport to store in a different part of your luggage in the event that the original is lost or stolen.


A travel visa is required for most countries, but not all countries require them in advance. Check the Department of State website for the most up-to-date country-specific information regarding visas. Most countries will issue a tourist visa upon entrance for U.S. passport holders.

Flight and Hotel Information

Bring along a copy of your flight itinerary and any information related to where you will be staying during your trip overseas. Most countries will need proof of an onward ticket. The address of where you plan to stay is needed for the entry card when you first arrive in a foreign country.

Driver's License

If you plan to rent a car or drive a vehicle while abroad, bring your driver’s license. Some countries require an international driver’s license, but other countries grant a specified driving period with proof of a driver’s license from your home country. Check with the rental car agency in your destination country for exact rules and regulations regarding international driving.

Insurance Information

Bring proof of your international medical and/or travel insurance if you have purchased this prior to your trip. Though these measures are not required items for a trip overseas, having them with you might be a good idea depending on the nature of the trip you're planning to take. Keep a copy of this information in a different location in your luggage in the event that your original copy is lost or stolen.