What Items Are Admissible When Traveling to Jamaica?
Jamaican customs allows visitors to bring in a fixed amount of personal goods before imposing an entrance tax; certain goods, however, are strictly forbidden while others require permission or licenses to bring in. When preparing to travel to Jamaica, check to see if all of your items you wish to pack are allowed to make clearing customs as smooth as possible.
Unrestricted Items
Travelers entering Jamaica can bring in certain goods up to a certain amount without having to pay duty taxes on them. These items include cigarettes, tobacco, cigars, spirits and alcoholic beverages, wine and perfume. Jamaica also allows personal goods below a fixed dollar amount to be brought into the county duty-free. Jamaicans can bring in unlimited foreign currency and Jamaican currency equal or less to what they originally departed with; visitors are permitted to bring in unlimited foreign currency, but no Jamaican currency.
Prohibited Items
Jamaican customs absolutely prohibit bringing in certain items to the country. These include knives and deadly weapons, illegal drugs, local currency and any counterfeit currency or goods. All species of birds cannot be brought in, as well as bags or purses made from goatskin that has not already been shaven, cured and cleaned. Indecent or obscene materials are banned, including prints, paintings, photographs, movies, lithographs, engravings, books and cards. Finally, Jamaica prohibits all publications of the de Laurence Scott and Company and the Red Star Publishing Company relating to divination, magic, cultism or the supernatural arts.
Restricted Items
Certain items must have special approval to be brought into Jamaica. Any meat and animal products brought in must have certificates of inspection from the Government Veterinary Division or Ministry of Agriculture and an import license. Firearms, ammunition and explosives must be accompanied by an import permit and license. All plants, including fruits and vegetables, as well as soil must have a Phyto Sanitary Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture. Pets require a permit from the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agriculture; cats and dogs will be inspected at customs and must have been born and bred in the United Kingdom.
Exiting with Goods
When leaving Jamaica, certain goods have restrictions or are forbidden from being carried out of the country. Forbidden items include illegal drugs, knives and deadly weapons, local currency, counterfeit currency and goods and pornographic or offensive material. Restricted items need special permission to leave the country and include meat products, plants, plant products, cats, dogs, firearms, ammunition, gold bullion, valuable antiques, jewelry and eggs. Remember that goods purchased in Jamaica will be subject to customs regulations when entering your home country.