What to Wear on a Vacation to Israel in March
During the winter and summer, Israel's weather is easy to predict. Packing for a trip there in March, though, is more tricky because it's between seasons and therefore hard to know in advance whether to anticipate cold rains or pleasant, sunny skies. On average, the weather in March is in the 60s, but much depends on which areas of the country you plan to visit and what activities you plan to enjoy while you are visiting the holy land.
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When visiting Jerusalem in March, pack clothes that you can wear in layers, because the typically rainy winter month, with average temperatures in the high 40s and 50s, might alternatively have sunny, sandal-worthy days. You can't go wrong with jeans, a sweater, a jacket, and sneakers or comfortable boots -- especially for evenings, when desert temperatures dip -- but pack one pair of shorts just in case, as well as a long skirt (if you are a woman) to wear to holy places, and a scarf or shawl for covering bare arms or your head. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, as you'll spend hours wandering through the Old City and in museums.
Tel Aviv
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Though only an hour's drive from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv is usually several degrees warmer, with March temperatures ranging in the 50s and 60s. Chances are you'll be comfortable layering T-shirts with light sweaters. Your sandals or sports shoes should be comfortable for long strolls on the boardwalk or in the sand; pack flip-flops if you'll be spending lots of time at the beach or hotel swimming pool. If Tel Aviv's renowned nightlife is part of your plans, pack a pair of dancing shoes and a little black dress.
Dead Sea and Eilat
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If you plan to visit the southern region of Israel, including the Negev desert, Dead Sea, Masada or Eilat, plan for sun and temperatures in the 60s and 70s. A wide-brimmed hat is a must, as are sports sandals suitable for hiking in harsh desert conditions. At the Dead Sea, you'll be glad to have a bathing suit and a pair of flip-flops or water sandals, as the salty bottoms are rough.
Galilee and Golan
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The northern regions of Israel, such as the Galilee and Golan, are tricky in March. The winter months there are cold and rainy, but the summers are pleasant, if a tad humid -- and March could swing either way. Temperatures during your visit might be in the low 50s and rainy or in the high 60s and sunny. As in Jerusalem, a pair of jeans, sneakers or light boots, and a sweater or light jacket would be appropriate, but bring a couple T-shirts for layering and a pair of shorts in case the weather turns unseasonably warm.